ISSB & CSRD: Battle Of The Standards, A Future-Fit Perspective
Virtual Roundtable
18 June 2024
09:00 AM to 10:00 AM

Martin Rich, CEO & Co-Founder at Future-Fit Foundation and Catherine Harris, Director of Sustainable Business North America at Acre, are hosting a roundtable seminar focusing on the influence of CSRD and ISSB on the EU and US markets.
All participants at the roundtable will be fully engaged with the conversation covering key themes such as:
How are US corporates viewing CSRD? And conversely, how are European corporates viewing ISSB?
ISSB only considers financial materiality, whereas CSRD considers double materiality. Efforts are being made to show coordination on both sides, but how do you think that is working out?
For European corporates, what value does impact materiality bring to the company?
For US corporates, will they consider impact materiality anyway?
What's the long-term outcome likely to be? Will there be one "winner" based on global adoption, or will they converge, or will we just maintain two systems?
The roundtable will be recorded and available to watch after the seminar has ended. The link will be in the Future-Fit Changemaker Community: