What do we talk about in Episode 3: Future of the CSO?
With the role of the CSO ever-evolving, Acre has the duty of uncovering the skills, knowledge and insights from our network of current leaders in the industry to share with the next generation of change-makers. Over the last 3 months, Acre has teamed up with Mike Barry, previous CSO of British Retailer Marks and Spencer, to interview the brightest and the best in the industry. ‘The Future of the CSO’ series will bring you an insight into how the role has changed, how it will continue to evolve, the skillset required and the challenges that will be faced. It is important that we keep learning, sharing and developing.
Who is Tony Henshaw?
Joining Acre for the third episode of the 'Future of the CSO' series is Tony Henshaw, an Experienced Board Member who has expertise in developing Sustainable Business Management Systems and strategies for leading MNC Organizations and Fortune 500 / FTSE 100 Companies. Prior to joining the Aditya Birla Group as Chief Sustainability Officer, he worked in India for the Vedanta Group and was the first CSO of an FTSE 100 Company. His earlier assignments include working as CSO with Cemex SA. Mexico and senior management posts at Transredes SA (Shell JV) in Bolivia. Having developed a pragmatic sustainable Business model, that has allowed business leaders to clearly focus on building sustainable businesses fit to operate in the Sustainable Worlds of 2030 and 2050, he brought a wealth of knowledge to the conversation.

Who is Catherine Harris?
Our host for episode three of the series is Catherine Harris, Acre's Director of Sustainable Business - North America. Catherine has been recruiting Senior Sustainability Executives and Non-Executives for over 9 years. Prior to Acre, Catherine worked for a boutique search firm with a focus on the charity and public sector. Catherine also sits on the board of Future-Fit Foundation, non-profit offering tools to help investors and businesses tackle key Sustainability and climate change issues. With a passion for board diversity and appointing exceptional leaders at the board level, she is also co-author of The Social Board, a paper exploring how to engage board members on key ESG and Sustainability issues.

Who is Mike Barry?
The second host to join the conversation is Mike Barry, Director of mikebarryecoand a long-standing leader in sustainable change. As the former Chief Sustainability Officer for Marks and Spencers, he is best known for his time at the organisation achieving zero-waste-to-landfill status, moving to 100% renewable electricity and achieving carbon neutrality across the global estate of stores, offices and warehouses. Alongside this long-standing legacy, Mike brings an array of broad experience working at an international level of business, charities, think tanks and startups.

Please watch the full interview series on the Acre Vimeo Channel to learn more.