Talent dearth holding back ESG push in Asia financial sector • A conversation with Acre's Paddy Balfour

20 April 2023 by Paddy Balfour
blog author

Paddy Balfour, Executive Director - APAC, was recently interviewed by The Asset to discuss the current talent squeeze affecting sustainable finance and ESG-related roles, and where the current opportunities and constraints are being felt.

In the interview, Paddy discusses the demand across sectors of sustainable finance, hiring requirements, as well as advice for candidates with aspirations of building a long career in the ESG sector.

​"Candidates should strive to think long-term. While one would expect it to be intuitive for sustainability professionals to understand the long-term implications of decisions made today, we continue to see individuals making career decisions driven by short-term financial motivations."

​To read the full article, please click here.

​Original Source: The Asset | Written by Tom King | Published 18.04.2​


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