Supporting the People of Ukraine

11 March 2022 by Rachel Frost
blog author

We have all been truly devastated to witness the events unfolding in Ukraine over recent days. Our hearts go out to the people of Ukraine and everyone affected by this distressing conflict. 

Our desire to support Ukraine in the most impactful, quick and direct way we can leads us to Humanitas, a grassroots humanitarian charity based in the UK with a rapidly launched Ukraine Appeal. 

Since the outbreak of war, Humanitas' senior team has been meeting with the authorities on the Ukrainian border to find out how best they can support the humanitarian effort. They have managed to secure a safe passage into Ukraine to deliver medical supplies to the hospitals. This is where help is needed most right now. 

"The UN Warns that this could be the biggest refugee crisis in the EU this century. ⁠This impacts us all. We must continue to show solidarity, empathy and compassion to everyone affected," said Humanitas. "The Ukraine Appeal is a restricted fund, which means that the donations we receive are spent on this work only. The more money we raise, the more medical supplies we can take to help sick and injured civilians."

Millions of people are still living in Ukraine and hundreds of injured soldiers are being taken to the hospitals every day. Humanitas has a list of 176 medicines and medical supplies that doctors and nurses are pleading for - most hospitals have completely run out of syringes, basic antibiotics, and disinfectants. 

This charity, a team of 5 led by Dr Ramiz Momeni who is currently on the ground at the Romania-Ukraine border, can act quickly and efficiently to humanitarian crises. 

"Acre collectively want to do whatever we can to support the people in Ukraine in a way that is real and meaningful, " says Richard Wright, CEO at Acre. "Supporting an organisation that has immediately mobilised and will maximise the impact of any contribution we can make, taking that right to the front line, feels like the very least we can do at this time. We must act now.

If you are looking for an impactful organisation to support, Humanitas will make more trips to Ukraine in the coming weeks. Humanitas’ team can act quickly and efficiently to humanitarian crises, having led medical missions to support the Syrian refugees arriving in Greece and Lesvos and the Rohingya in Bangladesh.

Please donate if you can and help Humanitas get medical supplies to the hospitals as soon as possible. 

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