5 Articles to Inspire Businesses and Individuals to Invest in our Planet This Earth Day

22 April 2022 by Grace Coleman
blog author

​As the climate crisis continues to heighten, each year that we celebrate Earth Day becomes more important. In light of 2022’s theme “Invest in our Planet,” which calls for businesses, governments and citizens to shift towards more sustainable practices, we decided to reflect on some articles we recently released that showcase various ways of accelerating this transition. 

6 Ways to Make Your Money More Sustainable 

Have you ever considered the impact your wallet has on the environment? 

Making the right financial decisions, from your mortgage right down to your pension provider, could help foster a lower carbon economy, but it’s vital to be absolutely certain that it is making the right difference. How you save, how you spend and how you invest can all contribute to the climate crisis without you realising. Kate O'Rourke, a Principal Consultant in our Sustainable Finance & Impact Investing team, shared 6 ways that you can make your money more sustainable whilst reducing your carbon footprint.  


Q&A with Private Equity International (PEI) on the growing demand for ESG and impact talent 

This year, PEI, the global publication that is best known for its focus on informing and connecting private markets, released its 2022 Responsible Investment Special Report. The report covers topics ranging from climate action and sustainability regulations to D&I and impact investing efforts. In the spirit of this year’s Earth Day theme, we’d strongly recommend that you download a copy.  

And, if you’re looking to better understand hiring trends in the ESG and impact investing space, check out our Executive Director and Global Head of Sustainable Finance & Impact Investing, Ian Povey-Hall’s, Q&A with PEI here. 


Working with Sea Shepherd to Protect our Oceans 

Last year, we started a Faces of Acre series to allow our team members to showcase their passions, speak up on important environmental and social topics, and to talk about the pro bono work they take part in. In an interview with Jack Mulloy, a Principal Consultant in our Sustainable Finance & Impact Investing team, we discussed his pro bono work as a business developer for the marine conservation charity Sea Shepherd. Read this article to find out more about how organisations like Sea Shepherd are working tirelessly to protect our oceans, or how you can get involved in similar work. 


Sustainability manager is one of the most in-demand jobs right now: Here's how to land a role, which can net you above $100,000 in base pay 

As more companies turn their attention to the climate crisis, the demand for green talent is exploding. Consumer pressure on companies to act ethically and the broader rise of environmental, social and governance priorities mean firms are scrambling to bring on dedicated staff to help them meet their environmental targets.  

Tanith Allen, Acre's Director of Infrastructure & Manufacturing in our Sustainable Business team, sat down with Business Insiderto discuss what it takes to get into the industry and why the emergence and growth of sustainability jobs are so crucial to the future of our economy. 


Hunger for sustainable food systems was unsated at cop26, despite plant-based campaign  

Animal agriculture plays a significant role in the fight against climate change, with the livestock industry contributing between 14.5 per cent and 18 per cent of global anthropogenic greenhouse gases (such as carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide), according to the United Nations and University of Oxford.  

Harco Leertouwer, the Managing Director of our European business, wrote an article on the Elephant in the Room campaign launched by the Founder of The Vegetarian Butcher, Jaap Korteweg, in the run-up to COP 26. The campaign was designed to raise awareness and generate action from leaders and policymakers in a bid to encourage more consumers to choose a plant-based diet and reduce methane emissions.  

We hope that this article has provided you with some food for thought about the collective effort required from individuals, governments and corporations to invest in a greener future.  

If your organisation is looking to find more sustainable ways of operating, build resilience and manage risk, get in touch via mail@acre.com today. Or, if you’re a purpose-driven professional looking to enable aspirational organisations to change, we’d love to hear from you too.  

If you’re at the beginning of your sustainability career journey, you also might like to browse our career advice hub for guidance on getting into sustainability-related professions.  

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