"Demand for analysts, strategists and others knowledgeable about ESG issues has never been higher, it is pivotal for an organisation to ensure they have strong ESG values to win the war for talent" - Harco Leertouwer, Managing Director - Europe, Acre
Market and regulatory forces around ESG and sustainability have created unprecedented demand for talent, which is outpacing the availability of skilled personnel.
Environment Analyst is an international membership community for the environmental services space, built around our market intelligence service. Their analysts help customers examine market opportunities in the environmental sector. The latest insight briefing ‘Closing credibility and capability gaps in ESG’ explores how recent developments have impacted the ESG ecosystem, and how consultancies and their client organisations are looking to scale up and deepen ESG and sustainability capabilities.
Harco Leertouwer, Managing Director - Europe sat down with Environment Analyst to offer tips for building world-class ESG expertise. To read the full article for yourself, please click here.