Episode 6: Ownership Works & PE Join Forces for Employee Opportunities • The Sustainable Finance Podcast

30 November 2023 by Acre
blog author

The latest episode of The Sustainable Finance Podcast is now live.

This is the sixth instalment in a series of episodes sponsored by Acre. If you’re not yet familiar with Paul Ellis and The Sustainable Finance Podcast, it boasts a series of interviews with sustainable finance experts from top companies and global organizations like Schroders, FTSE Russel, The London Stock Exchange Group, Gitterman Wealth Management, and many more.

In this episode of The Sustainable Finance Podcast, your host Paul Ellis is joined by Anna-Lisa Miller, Executive Director of Ownership Works, and Acre’s Gloria Mirrione, Head of Sustainable Finance & Impact Investing to discuss how shared ownership can increase prosperity in the workforce.

Listen to the full episode here:

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