More and more, organisations require sustainability-minded employees, for every role, in each department and skill set.

At Acre, this is our core expertise. With two decades of experience in energy and cleantech recruitment, we have been connecting talented candidates who have the ability to make an impact with progressive organisations that are driving sustainable change.

With that, we have many years of experience in placing both contract and permanent professionals into carbon management jobs globally.​​​​​​

This experience means we have cultivated an expansive global network of professionals, clients and business partners - all of whom have interests in the energy and cleantech industries.

These professionals are highly trusted to help businesses adapt their practices in the face of climate change.

What is carbon management?

Carbon management is a crucial role in modern business, as those who work in carbon management are in charge of regulating and managing the amount of carbon their company is producing.
​Carbon management is at the heart of tackling climate change and has rapidly become a key strategic aspect of transitioning our global economy to net-zero.

A carbon manager will look at many potential solutions to minimise their company’s carbon footprint - from offsetting and reducing carbon emissions, to avoiding carbon all together and everything in between.

A role in carbon management focuses on responding to the challenges posed by climate change and decarbonising the economy.

Why is carbon management important?

Demand for carbon management services is set only to grow as the world faces more and more risks associated with climate change.
Additionally, the global economy is fighting to achieve net-zero carbon emissions as soon as possible, so the work of carbon management professionals will become increasingly more important.

The work of carbon management consultants aim to:
Reduce emissions
Enhance sinks of greenhouse gases
Build resilience of ecological and human systems

Through the vital work of carbon management professionals, our transition towards a low-carbon economy will also be a transition towards a fairer, more inclusive one, too.

What types of carbon management jobs can you find with Acre?

We work with global organisations to find market-leading candidates for their carbon management roles.

For two decades, our energy and cleantech recruitment team has been placing talented people in carbon management jobs all across the world from international corporations to NGOs.

What energy and cleantech skills do companies need?

The technical skills for each energy and cleantech position will vary from company to company and from role to role, but there is a high demand for carbon management professionals at the moment, due to a prominent shortage of energy and cleantech talent.
We assess and develop our energy and cleantech candidates against our bespoke framework of non-technical skills.

This framework is built off data analysing over 2,000 highly motivated professionals and outlines what “good” looks like in their role.

Armed with the soft skills required to evoke meaningful change, we help organisations find tangible solutions to their carbon management challenges and find the right people to bring those solutions to life.

Are there carbon management jobs available?

Day in and day out, we help exceptional professionals in carbon management secure their dream job.

If you’re a business looking to fill or create carbon management roles, our energy and cleantech recruitment team are always happy to chat, and we can work with you to create the best strategy for your company.

Click here to find out more about our energy and cleantech recruitment services. If your business is interested in more information regarding job creation and role expansion, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

What other types of energy and cleantech jobs are available?

More and more organisations are requiring energy and cleantech professionals on their team, due to the enhanced risk of climate change and the efforts needed from companies to mitigate the risk.
We work with a variety of companies on renewable energy jobs across a range of disciplines including;
Energy Management
Clean Technology
Climate Change

What are some useful references for energy and cleantech professionals to have?

If you’re interested in learning more about energy and cleantech talent trends, or more information on starting a career in the energy and cleantech industries, you can browse some of our latest thought leadership here.

​If your business is interested in our services, please contact us today.
We regret we are unable to support career enquiries via the form below, but please review our current opportunities in our jobs section.
If you are seeking a career change to move into the areas we support, please see a useful list of resources to aid your search here.


A sustainability hub and one of the largest financial ​centres in the world, London has been the ideal home for Acre's HQ since 2003.

Coming in as the number one Sustainable City in the 2018 Citizen Centric Cities index, our client base continues to grow, providing new and exciting opportunities continuously.

We advertise new jobs in London daily across health and safety, CR & sustainability, energy and renewables and responsible finance.

You can browse a full range of those opportunities over at our extensive job search here.

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