The new HSE tech platform that will enhance your leadership and influencing skills

08 January 2019 by Sean Desouza
blog author

As the Health and Safety profession transitions from a compliance-based discipline to one of business leadership, the new Acre Frameworks dashboard provides enhanced functionality to accelerate the journey.

For years the HSE profession has been focused on changing the behaviours of others in order to deliver its vision of getting everyone home safe at the end of each day. It is our belief that if we want to achieve this then every individual in the profession has a responsibility to look at the impact of their behaviours and be willing to change.

This newly released tech platform, launched to mark Acre Frameworks' 3 year anniversary, has been designed to drive that change. Acre Frameworks includes unique features; for instance, the ability for users to track and visualise year-on-year development. The platform was designed to empower HSE leaders to improve the performance of their teams and the individuals within them, through robust behavioural assessment and data-driven development solutions.

Since its launch, over 1000 professionals have been through the Acre Frameworks assessment process in 20 countries, and the tool has been used by leading organisations including Vodafone, Amazon and Heathrow.

So, how does it work?

The Acre Frameworks Dashboard presents data gathered during an initial online assessment and feedback process, providing companies with objective insight in to how the behavioural preferences of their teams and the individuals within them are likely to impact business performance. It does this by mapping behavioural preferences against a defined set of non-technical competencies critical for success in the field of HSE leadership.

The dashboard also visualises these results within the platform, using a variety of display options. This allows team leaders to identify trends within their team to inform hiring decisions, accurate training solutions and even inform peer-to-peer mentoring. The Development Log feature also allows individual users to clearly identify strengths and areas, essential for creating an effective professional development plan.

The platform is the most advanced competency assessment tool in the Health Safety and Environment (HSE) profession.

What are users assessed against?

The foundation of the framework is based on interviews with a cross-industry panel of HSE leaders. Over the past six months Acre has formally appointed a European Advisory Panel of over 90 leading professionals whose role is to ensure that the competencies at the heart of Acre Frameworks remain on the pulse.


What happens after the assessment?

We recognise that change takes time and isn’t easy, so at Acre Frameworks we are focused on providing clients and individuals with all the tools possible to support their development journey. The dashboard provides a unique platform in which to capture the output of the assessment, but functions most effectively as a dynamic data hub; informing hiring decisions, training solutions and peer-to-peer coaching. The Acre Frameworks team is made up of a specialist group of executive coaches and organisational and behavioural psychologists who between them deliver first class group and one-to-one coaching, as well as bespoke training workshops. The team are also used to working closely with in-house HR teams to ensure the dashboard is incorporated smoothly and effectively in to existing development programmes.


Can the platform demonstrate return on investment?

The key difference between Acre Frameworks and other psychometric assessments is a re-assessment after a period of time. Whether you use the assessment to build your own development plans, or utilise the coaching offered by Acre Frameworks, you’ll be able to track and quantify progress, see areas of growth and improvement, and demonstrate return on investment.


How can Acre Frameworks help HSE leaders?

The platform also has the ability to visually compare a team’s results against one another, or against industry standards. This is invaluable for team leaders, allowing them to make informed hiring and management decisions, and benchmark their team against other leaders in the profession.

Acre Frameworks provides companies with more data than ever about how their team members can successfully embed themselves in the commercial DNA of their company. This is crucial for the profession; HSE professionals with exceptional business attributes are able to navigate company hierarchies more effectively and are known to be dramatically more effective.


What do your clients say?


Advisory panel member James Pomeroy, Group Health, Safety, Environment and Security Director at Lloyd's Register says:

One of the most important actions that a leader can do is develop the skills of the team and develop a pathway for individuals to achieve their career goals. This is particularly important now given the transformation that the HSE profession is undergoing and the ever-increasing need for HSE practitioners to hold effective soft skills, such as communicating, influencing and meeting the differing needs of stakeholders. The Acre Frameworks model addresses these challenges through the use of a tailored competency framework for HSE practitioners that helps the individuals assess themselves, identify where they can improve and offer 1-2-1 practical support.

Acre Frameworks provides invaluable insights for HSE managers, enabling them to better understand the personality, skills and capabilities of team members. The dashboard’s capability is intuitive but essential when considering how to develop future talent and identify areas of potential team development


If you’re interested in embarking on a professional development journey, either individually or as the leader of a team, get in touch with

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