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In April, we began convening virtual roundtables with our clients to discuss the initial barriers that HSE leaders were tackling as lockdown began. Throughout the summer, we continued to unpack these challenges amid the ongoing response to the current health crisis.

It is our hope that by sharing these insights, we can carry these conversations further afield and support the profession to continue demonstrating the value that HSE adds to your organisations in a crisis and beyond.  

  • F4593d6e

    HSE leaders are striving to ensure that vital PPE remains available for those who need it most on the frontline and are encouraging the wider community to consider other ways of minimising the spread of the virus

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    Minimising the spread of the virus has prompted great emphasis on physical safety; however, HSE leaders are working to ensure that psychological safety is treated with equal importance.

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    With advice from conflicting government and media sources, HSE leaders are opting to maintain the 2 metre distancing (or more) role to minimise the level of risk that employees are exposed to.

As a business, we’ve taken the opportunity to reflect on what worked well and taken a hard look at what we will improve on in our response to this unprecedented pandemic and potential second and third waves. In doing so we can ensure our people are looked after, we anticipate and support our clients’ needs, and our business resilience is enhanced.


  • 2d322110

    How are HSE leaders addressing individuals who can technically work from home but whose mental health is adversely impacted by remote work?

  • 6897f44f

    Why are HSE leaders opting to maintain the 2-metre distancing rule despite governments suggesting that it may be safe to reduce this minimum requirement?

  • 8fc92cb7

    Who needs to come together before businesses can begin to conceptualise innovative solutions for the future?

  • Bc071b8d

    How are HSE leaders supporting key services who cannot operate successfully without breaking the 2 metre distancing rule?

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