Acre’s pioneering work in impact investing, responsible investment and sustainable finance has created the largest global recruitment network of its kind.

What we do:

We provide global financial institutions and investors access to the most established network of talent to build teams that not only outperform the markets, but also support the transition to a sustainable economy. We work with talented professionals in all areas of investment, distribution, risk and research as well as influential leaders to help push forward sustainable investment and corporate citizenship agendas.

What does a 'typical' Impact Investing Fund Manager role look like?

Impact investing Fund Manager jobs enable companies to generate positive social and/or environmental outcomes as well as financial gains. As a specialist recruiter in sustainability and responsible investment, Acre works with a number of financial institutions including banks, assets managers and private equity firms to recruit for experienced impact investing fund manager jobs.  ​

We offer a unique proposition to our clients due to our unrivalled subject matter expertise and global networks, resulting from our explicit focus on the opportunity that sustainability & impact principles represent for investors globally to deliver greater value for themselves, their clients and society as a whole.

We do this by:

  • Working with investors in public and private markets to augment their business models and human capital to create and then implement investment strategies that deliver a measurable increase in positive impact for every $ invested 

  • Building and developing teams that use impact investing methodologies to directly deploy capital in the most effective way to support our clients stated purpose/mission

  • Working with investors to develop their research and analytics teams to review potential investments in a holistic context that creates an investment process that acknowledges ‘net positive’ impact status as a long-term driver of performance

  • Providing access to seed investors and strategic partners/advisers for start-up funds that have a clear positive environmental or social purpose

  • Dedicating time and resource to build capacity in the market, connecting pioneering individuals who have deep subject matter expertise and extensive commercial networks with organisations seeking to refine their strategy before entering this market

  • Hosting and attending events to further deepen our knowledge of this rapidly evolving market and convene panels of experts to catalyse innovation and further understanding amongst mainstream investors

With offices in London, New York and Amsterdam, we are growing our global coverage.

If your business is interested in our services, please contact us today. We regret we are unable to support career enquiries via the form below, but please review our current opportunities in our jobs section. If you are seeking a career change to move into the areas we support, please see a useful list of resources to aid your search here.

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